His Majesty of Howling Winds

Garth | b. February 1, 2002 | brown sable plush | [return to Garth]

Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3
Generation 4
Generation 5
Lord Shy of Aslan and Sundance
dk gray sable
hips OFA Good

Smoke Snow Aslan of Zion
gray sable smooth
Bionic Black Smoke of Zion
gray sable plush
hips PennHip (r) .28 (l).24
Shilohs Wolfin Sasquach
dark gray sable plush
hips OFA Good
Shilohs Easy Rider
brown sable smooth
hips Excellent
Morris Good Morning Mona
black/tan plush
hips Excellent
Shilohs-Kari's Steel Saber
lt gray sable
hips GDC Excellent
Shilohs-Guardian Still Smokin
dark black/silver
hips Good
Shilohs Kara Lobo of Emmview
lt gray sable
Mountain Snow of Zion Shilohs Secret Samson Woo
Malamute Cross
Valley Wolf II
Sheba Sis to Cheyenne
Super Sweet Sabrina Selah
bi-black/silver plush
hips OFA Good
Baker's Snow
white plush
Weiss Misty II
lt black/silver
Thunder Laz Sundance of Zion
dk gray sable smooth
hips good
Pinewood Lazarus Comeforth Zion
brown sable plush
hips OFA Excellent
Shilohs Captain-Caliber Baker
black/tan plush
hips OFA Good
Shilohs Easy Rider
brown sable smooth
hips Excellent
Super Sweet Sabrina Selah
bi-black/silver plush
hips OFA Good
Shilohs Grand Elizzabeth
dk brown sable plush
hips OFA Good
Shilohs Wolfin Sasquach
dark gray sable plush
hips OFA Good
Shilohs Matoaka Pocahontas
hips BFD Excellent
Thunder'n Torah of Zion
WW-Lisa's Special Lex V Shiloh
black/silver smooth
Shiloh-Guardian Still Smokin
dark black/silver
hips Good
PJ's Clementine V Shiloh

Rider Torrey of Shiloh

Shilohs Easy Rider
brown sable smooth
hips Excellent
Morris Good Morning Mona
black/tan plush
hips Excellent
Bearsloop Hajna of Petra Zion
dk brown sable plush
Trillium Artus Zum Soehrewald
New Blood
Altdeutscher Schaeferhund (ADS)
solid black plush
hips OFA Good Prelim
Xandro Imperial
black plush
Kris V D Weiherwiessen Dorian V D Himmelsleiter
Stella V Castel-EOS
Andra V Haus Rothman Osman Aus Westsachsen
Dunja Von Monteszuma
Quanti Vom Schloss Birkenstein
black plush
Cim V Baerenfang Eddy V Vorderen Schalk
Asra V Baerenfang
Gina V Schloss Birkenstein Erko V Eisfeld
Betty V Schloss Birkenstein
Petra's Zena of Zion
brown sable smooth
hips OFA Good
Pinewood Lazarus Comeforth Zion
brown sable plush
hips OFA Excellent
Shilohs Captain-Caliber Baker
black/tan plush
hips OFA Good
Shilohs Easy Rider
brown sable smooth
hips Excellent
Super Sweet Sabrina Selah
bi-black/silver plush
hips OFA Good
Shilohs Grand Elizzabeth
dk brown sable plush
hips OFA Good
Shilohs Wolfin Sasquach
dark gray sable plush
hips OFA Good
Shilohs Matoaka Pocahontas
hips BFD Excellent

K-Sura's Mistie Weather V Zion
lt brown sable
hips Fair

Shilohs Easy Rider
brown sable smooth
hips Excellent
Dusters Bogey Down
Shilohs Kara Lobo of Emmview
Morris Good Morning Mona
black/tan plush
hips Excellent
Shilohs-Guardian Still Smokin
dark black/silver
hips Good
Super Sweet Sabrina Selah
bi-black/silver plush
hips OFA Good
Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3
Generation 4
Generation 5